A place to belong
connect with friends | connect with God
get to know amplify
Sunday Nights
Sunday are the best way to connect with others and make great friends
Check out our YouTube channel for some amazing sermons.
See some stories of how God has changed the lives of people at Amplify
what we do
We have lots of ways to get involved.
Wednesday Nights
Every Wednesday night at 7:30 we have our Amplify service. This is an awesome time of worship, teaching, and prayer. This is a great time to learn who God is and how you can have a relationship with him.

Every Sunday night the youth get together at 6:00 to have fun and make friends. We have gym nights, game nights, go out to eat, and so much other stuff. This is the best time for you to make some new great friends!

On Sunday mornings we join the adults for service. We have a section up front reserved just for youth. This is a time when you can sit with friends and grow deeper in your knowledge of God.